General information

The 4th Taiwan Dermatopathology Conference will have a joint meeting with the 11th Annual Meeting of the Asia Pacific Society for Molecular Immunohistology (APSMI) and the 3rd Annual Conference of Asia-Australasian Pulmonary Pathology Society. The congress will be held from Dec 9th to 11st, 2016 in CHANG YUNG-FA FOUNDATION International Convention Center and TDPC have activities on December 10th and 11st.

The organizing committee are composed by the members in Dermatopathology Group, Continuing Education Committee, Taiwanese Dermatological Association and experts in Taiwan Pathology Society. 

The registration and paying system will be arranged by APSMI. The member of these two societies who join the meeting earn continuing education credits. Please feel free to contact us if there is any question.

©TDPC 2018